Irish Austin Seven Club Launch Meeting
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Enthusiasts of vintage Austins may know Ian Clayton from Bantry in Co. Cork, as for the past twenty years he’s been the sole custodian of the Seven Register in Ireland under the brand `Cairde an Seacht bhig‘ — ‘Friends of the little Seven’ . A meeting was recently held to reinvigorate his initiative, with steps taken towards forming a limited company to be the corporate vehicle for administrative purposes of a new club. Austin Seven owners or those with an interest in an organisation especially for the pre-war Austin Seven are now invited to join in with this all-Ireland club — a gathering of friends of the little Seven. Ian’s register details a list of eighty or so Seven owners, and thus far the club have had a positive response from forty or so of these contacted by telephone. Others will be contacted by letter or email in due course.

The first spring assembly of this new Austin Seven group will take place on the 10th of May, with the rally base yet to be decided as it will depend on the uptake and convenience of all. A summer run will follow in July or August, as well as a static display at the Stradbally Steam Rally and Terenure classic show to promote the Seven and its virtues. A bi-annual newsletter is planned to come out in spring and in autumn, and a website will be launched containing event reports and articles related to the Seven with an Irish flavour. A trip to the UK to join in the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Austin Seven is also envisaged for 2022. We at Irish Vintage Scene would like to wish the new club the best in its endeavours, and look forward to hearing more abott their activities centred around this famous and important little car.

Annual subscription for the club is €20, and assembly fees are €10 per event. Joining fee to include annual subscription-will be €50; for further details, please contact the secretary, William Cuddy, on 086 8325769 or see www.