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A one marque organisation catering for the Austin Seven is what makes The Irish Austin Seven Club unique. Prospective owners of a Seven are always welcome to make contact with our membership who will be pleased to present and demonstrate its special characteristics and driving experience.
The former Register and now our Club, is in existence for near on 20 years and has an active membership of 30 who hail from around the whole of Ireland, North and South. There are another 50 or so owners and interested people, some of whom in time we would hope will join our club and partake with us on our various activities. Some say there are in existence in Ireland an excess of 100 7s in various stages of preservation.
The Club expects to hold assemblies, rallies and picnic runs each year from Spring to Autumn, and perhaps a week-end maintenance course in mid-October. The dreadful Covid-19 has put a damper on all old car related activities for now. Hope springs eternal.
The club’s newsletter THE IRISH SEVEN TIMES is circulated to members on a bi-annual basis and is a full colour edition with news, reports and details of up-coming events.
Ireland, north and south, have deep bonds and associations with the Austin family and company. Founded late in 1923, shortly after the Austin Seven had appeared on the motoring scene, Lincon & Nolan were appointed in 1927 to handle the franchise for the Austin Motor Company and became one of the first firms anywhere to assemble imported “CKD” – Completely-Knocked-Down – kits of ‘production’ cars.
The Austin Seven Clubs Association (A7CA) exists to promote the pre-war Austin Seven car through its umbrella of Austin Seven Clubs. The Association was formed in 1969, with the view of bringing together the various Austin 7 clubs that then existed. Now just about every Austin Seven club worldwide is a member or associate member, as we are.
To mark 100 years since the 1922 launch of the Austin 7 motor car, the Austin Seven Clubs’ Association will hold a week of festivities centred on the Fire Service College at Moreton‑in‑Marsh, Gloucestershire. Austin 7 enthusiasts from all over the world are expected to attend and it is anticipated that the culmination of the celebration will be a rally of over 1,000 Austin 7s.
For Membership Enquiries please email The Honorary Secretary